Economy: LLC and C-Corp registration

Saint Mary Liberty Island Companies (LLC and C-corp)

Two types of companies are available for registration in the jurisdiction of Saint Mary Liberty Island – LLC (Limited Liability Company) or C-Corp (Corporation). These companies can open accounts in any banks and conduct any economic activity in any territory, not prohibited by international law.



Registration of companies is possible only if at least one of the founders has the citizenship (passport) of Saint Mary Liberty Island. Obtaining citizenship is a fairly simple procedure.
Application for citizenship and obtaining a passport – here >>>>>

C-Corp is a more traditional form of company. C-Corp’s assets are better protected from the claims of its founders’ creditors. This form is suitable for almost any business. However, it is more difficult and more expensive to manage.

A C-Corp company is managed by a director (or several directors). Shareholders do not participate in the management of the company. They participate in the mandatory annual meetings of directors and shareholders. At these meetings, the shareholders hear the report of the directors and may change the composition of the directors.

In LLC companies, its members manage the company directly. LLC activities are less formalized.

If you’re planning to attract investments, C-Corp is more suitable for you.
Unlike an LLC, it can issue different classes of shares (common, preferred, premium, etc.)

Payments and taxes:
1. When establishing a company, a one-time registration fee is paid in the amount equivalent to $300.
2. If the company conducts operations in thalers, including clearing, through an authorized Mark-Bank, a tax of 0.7% of the company’s turnover in thalers should be paid annually.
3. If a company conducts all economic activity outside of Saint Mary Liberty Island, and does not use transactions in thalers, its activities are not subject to Saint Mary Liberty Island taxes, but an annual company asset confirmation fee of $450 is required. All other taxes the company pays at the place of actual residence, in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where it operates.
4. Annual taxes (0.7% of turnover per year in thalers, or a fee of $450 annually) are paid by April 15 of each year following the reporting one.

If you decide to register a company in the jurisdiction of Saint Mary Liberty Island, fill out the following forms:

To register an LLC application form
To register C-Corp application form

The usual term for registering a company is 3-4 labor days.
You receive the entire set of documents in PDF format, signed with an electronic signature, to the Email specified during registration.



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