Official Notification

This is to notify you of founding a new independent state on the territory of Saint Mary Liberty Island.
Coordinates: 43°12’31.62″ N 30°29’12.34″ W.

Development priorities and trends:

Create and develop a global electronic universal scientific and cultural library that will also serve as a register of copyrights on scientific, cultural works or publications, and that will be free from any limitations and dogmatism whatsoever, except for direct reasons of public security.
Create and develop a global citizenship granting system and a universal human personality identifier.
Develop energy alternatives unrelated to consumption of nonrenewable resources, as well as develop, finance and support scientific and research projects in this area. Develop advanced scientific and engineering projects in the area of pioneer researches and solutions.
The global universal metastable currency is Taler (TLR) as the worldwide clearing payment unit.
The State Central Mark Bank is the center of a financial settlement dealing with international contracts, ensuring loss minimization in case of currency fluctuations by fixing of assets on the day of payment in the physical silver equivalent with Taler TLR as the unit of account.
Carry out resident registration of companies with fixed taxation of income.
Create and develop a global mobile banking system; create and develop up-to-date electronic payment systems integrated with current electronic and physical payment systems.

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